Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Bass Bar and Upper Block

Because the bass bar was crooked and placed incorrectly on the plate, I used a gouge to carve it out.

           As you can see, the upper block (where the neck attaches to the violin body) was broken.

I cut and fit a new upper block

After I carved out the old block.......

Gluing and clamping the new one in.  

Monday, April 4, 2016

Competition in Pillager, MN

April 2, 2016 was the date of the 32nd annual Pillager Fiddler's Competition in Pillager, MN.
I competed in this contest, and placed 1st in my age division (14yrs.-19yrs.). The songs I performed were Golden Fiddle Waltz, and Sally Gooden. Below is a link to a video of the competition. I am the second performer in the video.
Pillager Fiddle Contest